It’s sometimes easy for those of us in the Salesforce sphere to focus on the technical side of things, the skills needed to develop apps, customize solutions for a company’s specific needs or to analyze data.
But how are your soft skills? These are non-technical skills that help you become an even better expert with Salesforce.
We are all works in progress when it comes to soft skills. But here are some questions to consider along these lines:
How are your communication skills? There are moments when you may have to act as a mediator between various personnel. Do you know how to manage conflict as well?
Do you work well with others? That means truly listening, engaging in conversation and knowing the art of give and take.
How did your last presentation of data, reports, or even requests go? Perhaps you need to work on your presentation skills, including eye contact, confidence and the speed of your delivery.
Can you look beyond what you have always done and create even better ways to be efficient? Are you able to set priorities and goals and then follow them through?
This awesome Salesforce blog also names empathy, patience and humor as important soft skills. You also might find this video interview with bestselling author Seth Godin interesting. In his view, soft skills are the key to living a life that matters!