Your team is productive and does everything you tell them to do. But are those who report to you happy? Will your best and brightest stick with you or leave at the next opportunity? Gallup research shows that the majority of U.S. employees have... (Read More)
Imagine if you could track, store and organize your customer data, all while attracting and engaging new and potential clients.
CRM, or customer relationship management, isn't just for maintaining the clients you have. Here's how it can be used... (Read More)
You have a hard enough time taking a break. You work hard, maybe too hard, and you likely don't take enough time off. It isn't surprising then that 42% of working Americans never took personal time off in 2013.
When you finally do get away, are... (Read More)
It’s that moment when you check your watch or the clock on the wall for the 10th time in five minutes that the thought runs through your head, “I can’t take it anymore!"
We all know some work meetings can drag, but unfortunately that... (Read More)
Simon Sinek is one of the world's most recognized thought leaders. He is known for his book "Start With Why," and his TED Talk "How Great Leaders Inspire Action." Looking to take your leadership skills to the next level? Here are seven Simon Sinek... (Read More)
It's amazing what can happen when you check your ego at the door. Research shows that humility is one of a handful of critical qualities that can help leaders — as well as their companies — succeed. Here's why:
It's a powerful recruiting... (Read More)
Any sales person knows that data is the foundation for decision-making in many businesses today. Capturing data allows us to know what our customers want, and tailor our products and our pitches to capture as many customers as possible.
But in... (Read More)
Polaris is a non-profit that is trying to end human trafficking and the scourge of modern slavery. But its processes were antiquated, with hotline workers writing eight-page paper reports every time they took a call, and case managers and policy... (Read More)
While many of us blame the lack of achieving our real dreams on circumstance, the fact is most of us are simply afraid of failure. You are afraid of your proposal to the board falling apart under the weight of the real world.
And yet, while the... (Read More)