Social media — it’s more than just Facebook. These days, it’s how you can use Facebook (and Twitter, and Pinterest, and LinkedIn) to actually grow your business, get more customers, and increase sales.
Nearly two-thirds of American adults (65 percent) use social networking sites, according to Pew Research, which means that social media will touch nearly everyone who walks through your door or who visits your website.
For most small businesses, Facebook, with its 1.79 million monthly users, is usually the jumping-off point for business owners to get started with social media marketing. With its massive global reach and impressive range of functions, Facebook has become a key platform for businesses of any size.
Here are some tips on how you can use social media to grow your small business. Whether you write your own social media content, or outsource your content to another company, keep these tips in mind.
Be a human, not a robot.
Social media is all about posting fun, light and engaging content that’s geared toward your audience. Stay away from posting boring industry news and instead try creating an image or video that will interest and inform your audience. Facebook especially works well as a platform for re-posting visual content that you make elsewhere, such as Instagram and YouTube.
Remember, your brand is more than just a product or service: It’s your story, your voice, and how you communicate with customers.
Post consistently and contextually.
Be sure to vary the types of content you share — but not the times that you share it. Content should be posted regularly using automated software like Hootsuite or Buffer, which can share your content at the times that most people are using the platform, whether it be LinkedIn, Twitter, or any other platform you choose to include.
It’s also important to note that you can’t be everywhere all the time. Carefully select two or three platforms that best match up with your brand, intended audience, and customer habits, then post regularly on those platforms.
Keep reading our blog for more tips on how you can use social media marketing as part of your small business advertising strategy. Visit us for more.