As a business owner, you’re constantly on the lookout for new leads, clients, and customers. How do you find them? When word of mouth isn’t enough, check out these tips on how you can run a successful lead-generation campaign.
1. Find out who your customers are and where they congregate.
Before you write a blog post or start tweeting away on social media, you need to find who your community members are, the places they visit most often, and how they spend their money. In order to market to your customers effectively, find out what they care about and then channel your content to match their interests.
2. Make a great first impression.
It’s essential to concentrate on making a positive first impression, since that is the first step in turning leads into customers. Use social data to find out your customers’ buying behaviors, and focus on finding out which kind of content performs the best on the platforms your customers frequent. For example, if a user contacts you on Twitter or LinkedIn asking about your product or service, this gives you a chance to directly address their comment or concern, while at the same time beginning a valuable relationship with that potential customer.
3. Simplify your message.
Don’t be concerned if your advertising or content marketing strategy doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of a Coca-Cola or a Nike ad campaign. Small businesses especially have little or no need for a large, fancy advertising budget, especially when there are great ways for businesses to advertise on Facebook.
4. Use attention-grabbing copy.
Copywriting is the fuel behind firing up your advertising campaign. In order to create content that engages, inspires, and ultimately, moves people to buy your product or service, you need to make sure the writing is clean, crisp, and to the point. Well-written content moves people emotionally by telling a story or describing a scenario where the customer is purchasing a product that will make his or her life better.