Simon Sinek is one of the world's most recognized thought leaders. He is known for his book "Start With Why," and his TED Talk "How Great Leaders Inspire Action." Looking to take your leadership skills to the next level? Here are seven Simon Sinek... (Read More)
It's amazing what can happen when you check your ego at the door. Research shows that humility is one of a handful of critical qualities that can help leaders — as well as their companies — succeed. Here's why:
It's a powerful recruiting... (Read More)
Any sales person knows that data is the foundation for decision-making in many businesses today. Capturing data allows us to know what our customers want, and tailor our products and our pitches to capture as many customers as possible.
But in... (Read More)
Polaris is a non-profit that is trying to end human trafficking and the scourge of modern slavery. But its processes were antiquated, with hotline workers writing eight-page paper reports every time they took a call, and case managers and policy... (Read More)
While many of us blame the lack of achieving our real dreams on circumstance, the fact is most of us are simply afraid of failure. You are afraid of your proposal to the board falling apart under the weight of the real world.
And yet, while the... (Read More)
First, we thought of art in the form of artisans, creators, and artistic patrons. These were the wild-eyed creative types that took off on imaginary flights of fancy, but had no eye for business.
Then, art disentangled itself from craft, becoming... (Read More)
Do you want to be a creative, engaged and productive leader? Then resist the temptation to dash off late-night and weekend emails and texts to your staff. It’s about the message it sends to your team and it’s about your own perspective on your... (Read More)
While most people talk about large mega-corporations and conglomerates, it's small businesses that propel our economy forward. In fact, small businesses make up over 99% of all American employers.
If you are a small business owner, you know the... (Read More)
You've done well for yourself. You have a comfortable income, maybe even an exceptionally comfortable income. Did the announcement a few months back by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, inspire you to start sharing more... (Read More)
When it comes to running a successful business, few people can make it alone. Some of the most successful, well-respected industry leaders are where they are today because they were willing to take advice from trusted sources.
That's why we would... (Read More)